Mónica Cunha

Co-teacher: Dina Rodrigues
Agrupamento de Escolas de Airães was founded in 2001. It is located in Airães, Felgueiras, with a population of 739 students and 82 teachers. Agrupamento de Escolas de Airães is composed by the head school (Escola Básica e Secundária de Airães) and three primary schools. Therefore, we have students from kindergarten to the 12th grade, who come from diverse ethnic backgrounds, including the gypsy community. Our head school is located in a rural area, in the Oporto region. We have students w


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School: Agrupamento de Escolas de Airães, Felgueiras- Porto - Portugal 50 students are involved

Projects 2022

The clock is ticking!

We go on participating in this wonderful project for the 3rd year. Our students are strongly motivated. And, because the clock is ticking, this week they serached and made their own definition of climate change, they discussed and debated the causes of climate change, making the longest list of causes and they made infographics and a video to share with their colleagues and the community.

The clock is ticking!

This week students did some reseach on effects of climate change in the world and in our region, Felgueiras, Porto. With this researched they created a video, posters on Canva and a list of effects, which were shared with their colleagues. The students also planted avocado seeds and strawberry trees.

The clock is ticking!

This week students researched and made works on PosterMyWall and PPT presentations on effects of climate change.

We also had an interactive class with a school from Turkey.

Week 4 28604

This week we worked on the longest list of solutions.

We had an interative class with Turkey and it was an amazing experience for our students.

We also participated on Lego Build the Challenge! Great experience for the kids, and for me, of cousrse!

Students made infographics and a video to share with the community.

The clock is ticking!

This week, students thought about practical solutions.

The clock is ticking!

This last week, students made a deep refletion on how to, with their small actions, make a difference and change mindsets in what concerns Climate Changes.

Students also participated on the Climate Action Day.


Images by Mónica Cunha 2022-10-02Cunha
Images by Mónica Cunha 2022-10-10Cunha
Images by Mónica Cunha 2022-10-20Cunha
Images by Mónica Cunha 2022-10-20Cunha
Images by Mónica Cunha 2022-10-29Cunha