Agrupamento de Escolas de Airães was founded in 2001. It is located in Airães, Felgueiras, with a population of 739 students and 82 teachers. Agrupamento de Escolas de Airães is composed by the head school (Escola Básica e Secundária de Airães) and three primary schools. Therefore, we have students from kindergarten to the 12th grade, who come from diverse ethnic backgrounds, including the gypsy community. Our head school is located in a rural area, in the Oporto region. We have students who come from many neighbouring villages. They come from social contexts which are poor of educational opportunities, where families often show financial needs, and sometimes difficult relational dynamics. To integrate the students coming from these backgrounds and to prevent early school leaving, we offer, apart from the regular courses, professional and vocational courses. Besides, our school gives particular attention to promoting extra-curricular activities such as Science, Arts, French, English, Maths and Sports Clubs. We are an eco-school, recognized by the Ministry of Education, awarded with the Green Flag since 2009, with a variety of projects concerning the environment. We have several projects which are being developed at school in what concerns environmental issues, such as: “Project Solidarity+2”; which consist on giving support to the families in need in our school. For this, we have help of “Paper for Food” (in collaboration in the EDP foundation – Energy of Portugal), which consists on “trading” paper to recycle for cards to buy food, and collecting food and clothes in school campaigns in a partnership with the Red Cross Portugal, Felgueiras delegation; “Eco-School” – “Disposal Generation”, collecting old electric and electronic appliances, in a partnership with ABAE (Association European Blue Flag); as well as recycling domestic oil, in a partnership with the Eco-movement “Recycling used domestic oil”. Integrated at the Eco-School project we have an Action Plan which involves the majority of the activities related to Residues, Water, Energy, Outer Spaces, Forest, Mobility and Transport and Eating Habits. These projects have had a special importance at this school since 2007 and will continue to be developed. Lately, we have been analysing, with the contribution of the city council and the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (in the person of professor João Santos), the PIAAC (Intercity Plan of Adaptation to Climate Changes) in Tâmega e Sousa, our school area. This study, which intends a commitment to change our region, contains a group of projections and recommendations to our region from hydric resources, forest, agriculture to biodiversity. We have started building a biological greenhouse and beginning a project called “The wall of aromatic plants”. During last year, and in the present one, under de Domains of Curricular Autonomy, we are enduring two projects with students from the 10th and 11th grades related to the environment. We have planned activities, such as lectures, plogging and hiking. Therefore, this project will support and contribute to the development of these smaller projects in long-term, since the exchange of good practices from other schools and the results of the project will certainly contribute to improve them.