Ivana Bašić

Učenici svakodnevno prate klimatske promjene te su izradili prezentaciju koju su predstavili svojim vršnjacima iz druge škole.
Uz pomoć djelatnica čistoće posadili smo brojne biljke u školskom vrtu. Svaki dan ih obilazimo, zalijevamo i okopavamo. https://zbornica.com/index.php?option=com_zoo&task=item&item_id=2091&Ite...
I talked with the students about environmental problems, so we made posters.
We tried to find solutions for climate change together, so in art class we painted and expressed our opinion through the picture.
Then we went to the natural history museum where the professor of environmental protection told us about climate change and how to stop it.
Video conference with students.
Students exchanged experiences.
We talked about climate change with the project partners.
We also visited the lake. https://www.srednja.hr/zbornica/opuzenska-uciteljica-dobila-prestiznu-na...