Co-teacher: Milan Chhadwa
Class of 2022-23


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School: JBCN International School 25 students are involved The average age of the students: 14 to 15 years Year

Projects 2022

Climate Change Causes

Students of grade 9 have discussed about the local causes of climate change. (Place- Mumbai, India)

Effects of Climate change

Students have discussed the causes of climate change (Local).

Poster making competition was organised.

Global Causes and Effects

Students have discussed global causes and effects.

Potential solutions of climate change

Students have discussed and made the presentation of potential solutions of climate change.

We did virtual collaboration with the schools from different countries like Phillippines, Romania, UAE, Pakistan, and other places from India.

Virtual Interaction and collaboration

We have organised virtual interaction, collaboration and exchange program for the grade. Students and teachers from the countries like Phillippines, Romania, Pakistana and India participated in the event.

Save the Energy

Our learners have thought of an idea of saving the energy at their level. This could be a small step at their age but together we can save lot of energy. for example, we will not use air conditioning from 9 am to 10 am across the secondary grades. 

or at their home also, they will try to save up energy as much as possible.


Images by GAGAN DEEP 2022-11-04DEEP
Images by GAGAN DEEP 2022-11-04DEEP
Images by GAGAN DEEP 2022-11-04DEEP
Images by GAGAN DEEP 2022-11-04DEEP
Images by GAGAN DEEP 2022-11-04DEEP
Images by GAGAN DEEP 2022-11-04DEEP