Fahriye Aşık

Meeting three schools as Hurriyet Mesleki ve Anadolu Lisesi Hasan Ali Yucel Anadolu Lisesi and Hasan Aslanoba Anadolu Lisesi We gathered around a drying lake called Golbası in the district of Kestel in BURSA. We would like to pay attention to the drought which is one of the results for Climate Change. We aimed to raise concern over drought in our living areas by examining the agricultural fields around the lake. In order to increase social awareness about environmental topics we did a garbage collection activity around the lake with all students and teachers.
We came tohether in Dudaklı which is a small village in Kestel BURSA as Hurriyet Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi and Hasan Ali Yucel Anadolu Lisesi since we desired to make our students gain the effects of climate change by using original ways. We collaborated to make a forest shower among the huge plane trees. Through “Paint For Climate” activity Our students gave messages about climate change by painting each others faces. Finally we finished our activity by making a parade called “Walk For Climate”.
Within the precautions for the effects of climate change, Hurriyet Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School students started a campaign for collecting waste oil and eggshell in the school. They worked together to make a wallpaper using the posters that were prepared for the campaign. Students were successful about collecting the waste oil which was used in our school's canteen. At the end of the campaign, they used eggshells as fertilizers for the soil. Finally, they they visited city zoo in order to witness living creatures' bio-diversity and they participated in an education called BALANCE OF THE NATURE in the zoo. By this way students got the opportunity to keep a close watch on the animals.
During the fifth week of our Climate Action Project, Hurriyet Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School students rooted out not only the reasons but also the effects of the climate change. Each student prepared a presentation about the related subject. At the end of their researches, they shared the presentations by the help of virtual meeting with the peers in Porto, PORTUGAL and Abu Dhabi in UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. This project made our students give insight about the patterns of behaviours and they used their lovely avatar images to distribute these attitudes.
To take action for climate, they formed two different committees to manifest. The first group went on manifesting to The Metropolitan Municipality of Bursa. Mrs. Yıldız Odaman Cindoruk, The Head of Environmental Protection, Control and Climate Change Department hosted the committee and shared our ideas about the reasons, the effects and the solutions for Climate Change. We obtained a promise to collaborate for future interactions. The other committee headed for Osmangazi District Municipality and were welcomed by Borough master Mr. Mustafa Dundar and district deputy mayor, Mr. Bulent Hamdi Cıngıl and zero waste manager, Mrs. Dilek Yosun. They manifested what they did about the project. Finally we all shared the good wishes and promised to collaborate about climate change.