Diana Chișca

Co-teacher: Lupu Lilia


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School: Mircea cel Bătrân liceum 25 students are involved The average age of the students: 15-16 Year

Projects 2022

Liceul Teoretic ,,Mircea cel Batrân”, Chișinău

Effects of climate change

Our locality is very influenced by climate change because it is not a big country and any change can bring agricultural damage: drought, torrential rains or actions of countries outside the borders that can influence the climate and cause various unpleasant cases. for example, not long ago over a village or even in Chisinau in the morning the townspeople noticed that the sky was of a strange shade, they were not new but the sky was the color of milk with a strange tone of yellow and gray this phenomenon is called sky of milk is the first time that such a phenomenon occurs in our town and it has been documented that this sky was caused by some climatic disturbances.

Global connections

Week 4: Solutions

