Anjali Dobhal



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School: Miras International School, Nur-Sultan 100 students are involved The average age of the students: 12-16 Year

Projects 2022

Causes of Climate Change

Students discussed the defination of Climate chnage and listed the various causes of the same. They shared this information with peers and realised the importance of taking action to check climate change.

They created Mindmaps, had discussions and tried to identify the local cause of clomate change.

Week 2

Students discussed the effects of Climate change for example Global warming. They brought awareness among peers about the effects of climate change.

Global Climate change

Students worked in groups to discuss the various reasons for global warning due to climate chnage. they created posters to bring awarness among students from different grades during their break time.


Images by Anjali Dobhal 2022-10-10Dobhal
Images by Anjali Dobhal 2022-10-10Dobhal