Ana Bruna Nunes de Almeida

My name is Ana and I am 1st grade Bilingual teacher at Colégio Positivo. This is our class, we are from Curitiba, Brazil ♥


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School: Colégio Positivo 12 students are involved The average age of the students: 5 years old Year

Projects 2022

What is Climate Change? What is causing climate change in Brazil?

Students watched some videos showing what climate change and greenhouse gases and how it affects our environment. Then, the teacher presented vocabulary related to some possible causes and the students decided what best suited our local reality. Lastly, the students got their hands-on and made some posters showing the causes.

What are the Effects of Climate Change?

The students learned vocabulary related to the effects of Climate Change. After that, they watched a video with some images that showed how climate change is affecting our environment in Brazil and South America countries. To conclude, the students built some models of plants using their knowledge about plants needs and parts of the plants.

Effects of Climate Change

The students looked at the global map and made a list with the effects of climate change. We schedule a meeting with students from Colombia.


The students listed some solutions as: save water, recycle, use public transportation etc. They used LEGO to construct ideal habitats to the endangered animals

Interaction and Action

Our students from Brazil had a online interaction with students from Colombia. During the meeting, we shared information about our countries and compared similarities and differences related to global warming effects and climate change. After the interactions, our students from Colegio Positivo, Brazil, were invited to look around the school playground and find problems that could have an impact on the environment. They found garbage on the floor and inside the blue sand box so they decided to clean it up.


The students decided to make some posters to share ways to change the situation. They made an Earth Pledge where they compromise to help our planet.


Images by Ana Bruna Nunes de Almeida 2022-10-27Nunes de Almeida
Images by Ana Bruna Nunes de Almeida 2022-10-09Nunes de Almeida
Images by Ana Bruna Nunes de Almeida 2022-10-25Nunes de Almeida
Images by Ana Bruna Nunes de Almeida 2022-10-25Nunes de Almeida
Images by Ana Bruna Nunes de Almeida 2022-10-27Nunes de Almeida