We have presentations to new students . We explained about the plaque 'Climate Actions" that welcome students at the entrance in the school.
What means that plaque and which is the work for 2 years that we have done for obtaining it.
We conclude we engage the project and spread the world for climate changings.
WE ARE CONNECTED TO our needs and we are struggleling with effects we can change the causes of the Climate Channigngs.
We were discussing all possibilities we can act for making the change that we need . We need to stop climate effcects for planet .
We get in Contact with India and Asian Country and we shared short exemples of what we think about climate and its effects . Also students presented solutions they have implemented in their communnities .
We implemented activities with sustainability in etwinning projects and we have shared the results that we had in project.
Students were prepared for local school community as collection of garbage and shared experienced with others that we have connections online .
In partnership with comunity we have plant trees and we plant flowers in school yard .