Alifiya Alamdar

Educator, Teacher Trainer, Climate Activist, SDG Edu Ambassador passionate about SDG advocacy.


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School: Vidyanchal The School 15 students are involved The average age of the students: 12-15 Year

Projects 2022

Week 1 - Vidyanchal The School, India

Students of grade 7 initiated by taking the lead to guide each week activities. Here is a PowerPoint presentation prepared by our goalkeeper -Kashvi Dangra who has shared the causes of the climate change in the classroom and have guided the students for the further process. 

Effects of Climate Change

Week 3 30457

Students worked on finding the effects of Climate Change locally and globally through research work and shared it with students in the class. This also helped students to know the effects of Climate Change in different parts of the world.

Carbon Footprints

One major solution to work towards climate action is to know your Carbon Footprints and possible ways to reduce it. Here in this week we discussed about ways to find a better solution to reduce our carbon footprints.

Carbon Footprints

One major solution to work towards climate action is to know your Carbon Footprints and possible ways to reduce it. Here in this week we discussed about ways to find a better solution to reduce our carbon footprints.