Global Warming-Deep Decarbonization
Week 1

Placed by Stella Ficai 2021/Oct/3


.Revise the issues of our Climate Action Project 2020.


.The Paris Agreement

.focus on deep decarbonization 

.analyze the graph of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

.evaluate perspectives

.countries' short -term and long-term plans

.consider 2 sectors :energy systems and land use

.The Nationally Determined Contribution


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Images by Stella Ficai 2020-10-02Ficai
Images by Stella Ficai 2020-10-11Ficai
Images by Stella Ficai 2020-10-13Ficai
Images by Stella Ficai 2020-10-20Ficai
Images by Stella Ficai 2020-10-20Ficai
Images by Stella Ficai 2020-11-06Ficai
Images by Stella Ficai 2020-11-06Ficai
Images by Stella Ficai 2020-11-06Ficai
Images by Stella Ficai 2021-10-05Ficai
Images by Stella Ficai 2021-10-21Ficai
Images by Stella Ficai 2021-10-27Ficai
Images by Stella Ficai 2021-10-27Ficai