Global Action Project. SDG #13. The Causes for Climate Change
Week 1

Placed by Vladyslav Kachur 2019/Oct/10
Vinnytsia Gymnasium № 6
Europe Ukraine


The students of Vinnytsia Gymnasium # 6 from Ukraine had a great start to week 1 of the Climate Action Project.

We focused on the causes for climate change globally and locally in Ukraine. We learned about the climate changes using NASA, UN and Royal Society websites and developed the posters summarizing our research.

We are happy to be in a great team of world change agents that currently includes 814 schools in 98 countries involving 92,731 students.

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ClimateActionP Vinnytsia UA Week 1
ClimateActionP Vinnytsia UA Week 2
ClimateActionP Vinnytsia UA Week 3
ClimateActionP Vinnytsia UA Week 3
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Images by Vladyslav Kachur 2020-10-18Kachur
Images by Vladyslav Kachur 2021-10-13Kachur
Images by Vladyslav Kachur 2021-10-13Kachur
Images by Vladyslav Kachur 2021-10-27Kachur