Susana Peixoto

Co-teacher: Gracinda Oliveira


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School: Escola Secundária Almeida Garrett 24 students are involved The average age of the students: 15-16 Año

Projects 2022

Causes of Climate Change

This video shows the difference between climate and weather and lists the main causes of climate changes.

Climate change effects

This video states the main consequences of climate change not only at a global level but also at local level

Causes and Consequences of Climate Change

This presentation lists the main causes and consequences of climate change at a global level.

Solutions for Climate Change


Images by Susana Peixoto 2022-10-20Peixoto
Images by Susana Peixoto 2022-11-01Peixoto
Images by Susana Peixoto 2022-11-14Peixoto
Images by Susana Peixoto 2022-11-14Peixoto
Images by Susana Peixoto 2022-11-14Peixoto
Images by Susana Peixoto 2022-11-14Peixoto
Images by Susana Peixoto 2022-11-14Peixoto