Maja Mačinko

STEM teacher


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School: Elementary school Ivan Cankar 25 students are involved The average age of the students: 9 to 14 Año

Projects 2022

Pollution of a planet, buidling Moon habittat

Nakon što smo svoju planetu uništili, cilj je izgraditi novu nastambu na Marsu te preseiti stanovnike Zemlje tamo. Kako bi opstali, moramo razmišljati o ciljevima održivog razvoja i kako reciklirati novi otpad te načine na koji ććemo proizvoditi hranu i energiju. U prvom su tjednu aktivnosti učenici na satu fizike pričali o masi i težini, raznim materijalima koji bi bili korisni te počeli projet izgradnje nastambe . 

What tree could we plant?

We were trying to figure out what kind of a tree would be best fit for our climate.

What are causes and effects globally?

We talked about climate change effects, how can we improve situation and help save planet. 

How can we help?

We presented our ideas of improvement and how can we help to save the planet. Each team presented their solution and we voted for the best ones that are possible to do in our enviroment, 

Interactions between students

We connected with other classes and one more school in Zagreb to exchange ideas and learn from each other.

Plant a tree

We planted a tree in our school yard. 


Images by Maja Mačinko 2022-09-23Mačinko