This week we talked about the earth and how important it is for us. We watched a cartoon video that showed them what happens to our planet if we don't take care of it, and so we decided that in the following weeks we will do small things that will have a big impact for the earth.
The children found out through a created story what are the effects of our mistakes on the earth and how we can prevent them. Then they planted acorns that we will take care of and hopefully get some beautiful trees to plant in the spring.
The children discovered the effects of deforestation and pollution through an experiment.In this way they understood the danger of our unfriendly actions with the environment.
The preschoolers planted their group's tree in a pot, and in the spring they will replant it in the kindergarten yard and take care of it. We also recycled caps from plastic bottles that we reused as teaching material in kindergarten activities.
A first experience of online dating, made the little ones happy and they were proud to present their achievements to other children.