Ala Ciubotaru

I'm an enthusiastic  teacher,I like to involve my students in different projects. I love my students having agency in their learning while discovering how they can help the world


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School: IPLT “Mihai Eminescu”, town Drochia 23 students are involved The average age of the students: 13-14 Año

Projects 2022

The Causes of Climate Action

It was a week full of activities, the students from the 8th form created a list of causes of climate change, they tried to define what ic climate change. They drew some pictures and created a presentation and a video about their ideas. It was very interesting.

The local effects of climate change

The students acknowledge the local effects of climate change. They created presentations and drew pictures about the local effects of climate change. The first effect that everybody noticed in our area is lack of snow in winter. Another effect is that we have hot summers here, we can barely breathe during summer . 

Global causes and effects

During this week,the students made a video, where they presented  environmental issues such as, pollution, water, biodiversity etc. They also connected with pupils from Romania, they disscussed about global causes and effects. The students planted some trees.

Solutions for Climate Change

The students worked hard during this week. They found solutions for climate change, finally they made a video and a presentation about solutions.

Building through Interaction

All nations are fighting against climate change.Climate change is a real and undeniable threat to our entire world.We are responsible for necessary changes to protect our environment. It's important to remember that, changes only happen when individuals take action.

Taking Action

The students from the 8th form presented some lessons to the students from primary school, they discussed about nature and clime, especially about solutions how to save nature. They also wrote articles  on facebook, instagram, twitter. Moreover, they plan to organize a flashmob.


Images by Ala Ciubotaru 2022-10-09Ciubotaru
Images by Ala Ciubotaru 2022-10-23Ciubotaru
Images by Ala Ciubotaru 2022-11-03Ciubotaru
Images by Ala Ciubotaru 2022-11-03Ciubotaru