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I am in Viet Nam, a country in South East Asia.

I am now a Head of Moet at Viet Nam Australia International School. 

I am also an MIEE of Microsoft Education Community.

Nam Thanh Ngo

Nam Ngo Thanh is the principal of Inspire School in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. He has authored multiple articles, and he has been nationally and internationally recognized for the implementation of creativity and the integration of technology into his teaching. He is the founder of many global projects Five Safe Fingers, Kindness Everyday, Stem, SGDs in actions,.... In 2015, he was presented with the Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert Award, and in the same year he represented Vietnam at the Microsoft Global Forum.

Week 3 climate THPT NH
Week 3

Placed by Bắc Lê Văn 2020/Oct/16

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Environment protected together
Week 2

Placed by Đỗ Hạnh 2020/Oct/13
Asia Vietnam

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