Climate Action Project (week 3)
Week 3

Placed by Ana Belén Yuste 2020/Oct/18
IES Consaburum
Europe Spain

Week 3: Virtual & Global Interactions
Week 3

Placed by Delphine Normand 2020/Oct/18

SOS Planet Earth! People need change, not our planet!
Week 4

Placed by Josefina Vendrell Vila 2020/Oct/17
Col·legi Sant Josep
Europe Spain

Juan Luis Muñoz Arbona

Juan Luis is a Spanish teacher and Nat Geo Certified Educator from Ceuta (Spain). Since his starting point as a teacher he always has tried to be a real advocate for 21st century learning skills and the Global Goals for Sustainable Development. He's also a member of the Anna Lindh Foundation for Intercultural Dialogue, Spanish Network. This Foundation aims to foster exchanges at all levels among citizens from one and another part of the Mediterranean. This Foundation is based in Alexandria (Egypt).

India, France and Catalonia, Spain talking about the Climate Change
Week 3

Placed by Josefina Vendrell Vila 2020/Oct/16
Col·legi Sant Josep
Europe Spain
