Clontuskert Galway Ireland Week 2 Submission
Week 2

Placed by Kate Murray 2017/Oct/19

Finding Solutions for climate change
Week 3

Placed by Thomas Baldauf 2017/Oct/19

URL to Document

Causes of Climate Action
Week 2

Placed by Thomas Baldauf 2017/Oct/19

Effects of climate change - how to reduce
Week 3

Placed by Maja Videnovik 2017/Oct/19

URL to Document

Causas del cambio climático a nivel global, en España y en Valencia, señalando algunos efectos destacables. Colegio Martí Sorolla 2
Week 2

Placed by Jose Cándido 2017/Oct/19
Martí Sorolla 2
Europe Spain

Causas del cambio climático en España y Valencia. Colegio Martí Sorolla 2
Week 2

Placed by Jose Cándido 2017/Oct/19
Martí Sorolla 2
Europe Spain

Climate Change in Greece-Cause and effects
Week 2

Placed by Angeliki Kougiourouki 2017/Oct/19

Causes and Effects of Climate Change in Catalonia
Week 2

Placed by Josefina Vendrell Vila 2017/Oct/18
