Climate action project - Week 1
Week 1

Placed by Bhavna Khatri 2020/Oct/5
DPS International
Asia India


We as a team collaborated and discussed causes of climate change. Student responses was collated through mindmeister. Students then displayed their understading by creating presentations through video, powerpoint presentation and adobe spark poster. 

URL to Video on OneDrive
Log in to show Presentation file


Images by Bhavna Khatri 2020-10-05Khatri
Images by Bhavna Khatri 2020-10-12Khatri
Images by Bhavna Khatri 2020-11-02Khatri
Images by Bhavna Khatri 2020-11-02Khatri
Images by Bhavna Khatri 2020-11-17Khatri