Featured by Financial Times

Featured by Financial Times

Our project was showcased by Financial Times (UK). 3 of our teachers' work as part of the project have been featured. 

The article reports: "Koen Timmers from the Climate Action Project, a Dutch non-profit organisation, cautions that the quality is variable and providing support and training to teachers is essential. “It can be a win-win. Teaching climate also addresses critical thinking, empathy and collaboration — by speaking about climate change you are targeting all of those skills. It’s not just about knowledge. What we really need is a change of behaviour and mindset,” he says."

Earlier on we worked with FT, WWF and UNESCO on selecting school climate champions. It was through this application Ines' (Portugal), Marj's (South Africa) and Stephen's (NYC) work has been selected. 

The articles are available at https://www.ft.com/content/c9af90f2-7638-4476-83fa-c54186cba233 and https://www.ft.com/content/6204a9d2-fc45-4a6d-ace5-543031ad7064