Act Small, Make a difference
Week 1

Placed by Mónica Cunha 2021/Oct/1


We are gathering, for the second year, more and more students to participate on the Climate Action Project. This year, and since we are beginning an eTwinning project called "Green Inclusion", we are also integrating students with special needs. Also, as we've just been approved with a small scale Etasmus+ project about the environment, why not bringing it all together?

We aim to raise awareness about the real problem of Climate Change and make the students, with small actions, make the difference.

So, we'll continue our greenhouse improvement, have workshops with a biologist about topics such as how to create a forest, aromatic plants and their uses, composing and permaculture.

By the end of the project we aim to have a nice vegetables, fruits and aromatic plants garden and have, at least, three composing containers at school and in places around our school.

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Images by Mónica Cunha 2020-10-10Cunha
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Images by Mónica Cunha 2020-11-06Cunha
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Images by Mónica Cunha 2021-11-04Cunha
Images by Mónica Cunha 2021-10-10Cunha
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Images by Mónica Cunha 2021-10-28Cunha
Images by Mónica Cunha 2021-10-28Cunha
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