Today, it is safe to say that significant climate change is already happening. We need to reflect and understand that humanity has no right to use the planet's atmosphere for pollution. If we do not take active action, we will soon be nearing to the point where global climate changes will no longer be possible and life on the planet will be threatened in the future. Moreover, current forecasts for the occurrence of adverse meteorological phenomena indicate the need to take them for the norm of the present. There is a need to develop and implement the climate change adaptation action plan. An adaptation to global climate change is a kind of adaptation in natural or human systems in response to actual or anticipated climate impacts or their effects, thereby reducing harm and taking advantage of opportunities.
The main cause of climate change is the usage of fossil fuels and the inefficient use of produced energy. The greenhouse gases generated by human activity cause the greenhouse effect to increase. Excessive gases generated by CHP, transportation, agriculture, industry, and forest fires keep the sun warm in the lower atmosphere, preventing it from returning to space.
The impact on the Ukrainian climate is as follow:
According to the findings of NASU , UAAS and the State Committee for Hydrometeorology of Ukraine, an increase in carbon dioxide in the air can cause:
- the growing threat of catastrophic floods in the Carpathians, the transformation of the steppes of the southern region into deserts, the flooding of coastal parts and the acute shortage of drinking water in the central and eastern regions of Ukraine;
- raising the average temperature in all seasons of the year. In some scenarios, most significant in winter, in others, in spring;
- rainfall increase by 20%;
- raising of the level of the Black and the Azov seas, intensifying the phenomena of flooding of territories, abrasion of coasts, seas and reservoirs;
- displacement into subtropical cyclones in the temperate and northern zones that will contribute to the desertification of southern Ukraine;
- irreversible degradation of the steppes of the Black Sea, the Azov Sea and steppe parts of the Crimea penincula;
- decrease in forest productivity throughout Ukraine, in particular as a result of the spread of epiphytoses and pests.
There may also be a threat of migration from the countries of the south-eastern regions, where there will be a significant deterioration of living conditions due to the rapid change of natural and climatic conditions and the threat of infectious diseases not characteristic of Ukraine ( malaria , dengue , etc.).
Effects The most notable consequence of climate change will not be gradual warming, but "emergencies" such as severe droughts, floods, storms, hurricanes, extremely hot days that will occur more often.The ocean level will rise and ocean currents can be changed significantly. Humanity will have to face water supply problems and the degradation of agricultural land and forests.